Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Powerpoint pitch

Powerpoint pitch   

For this unit I had to present and pitch a powerpoint based on the research I had carried out and why I did it. The whole purpose of this exercise was to persuade my group that they should do my animation. I explained why I wanted to do it through video's and images. I should have probably added more to the slides instead of just talking as I mumbled and stuttered a lot. The purpose of this pitch was to show that I could communicate my ideas effectively. I also needed to make sure that it would be feasible and realistic by feeding back to my class and although it didn't get chosen it helped benefit me in the production of the Skittles advert.


Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Advert research feedback

Research feedback 

1. Did the persona of skittles come across in the advert?

2. When creating the advert we used a specific animation technique how well did it come across in the advert? 

Q3: How well did we create the world of Skittles, did we create the world of Skittles effectively 

4. Did the music accompany the advert effectively did it fit the mood? 

5. Has watching this advert changed your perception of Skittles as a product? 

6. Were there any noticeable errors? 

7. If you answered yes please specify why and what were they? 

8. Do you think the style was creative and did you enjoy it ? 

9. If you could direct this advert what would you do differently please specify? 

10. What could we do to it to improve it? 


Whilst creating and designing our  advert I found that overall most of it was very productive. Although the production went well we did encounter a few problems. One of the main big complaints was about the size of the cloth we used during filming to create the sky. Whilst asking my peer group for criticism most people said the cloth size was too small, causing a large amount of the room we used to be exposed which made it look less profesional. However we as a group agreed that if we were to do the advert again we would have placed the cloth up against a wall as aposed to placing it on the floor. 

 Another piece of criticism we got back from our peer group was that we should have used Skittles throughout the entire advert as it would have created a more believable Skittles wonderland for our audience.   If we were to do to do it again we would include more Skittles in the advert to make it more colourful in order to make it more enjoyable advert . 

When we asked our audience if we had captured the world of Skittles effectively most of the group said that it was effective this was a very positive response for us. One thing that people said whilst watching the advert didn't effect the way they thought about Skittles which made our advert quite simular to previous adverts. By receiving this information we concluded that the advert needed to be more unique and that we would try to do this by making a more surreal wonderland for the audience whilst keeping to the persona of Skittles whilst still making it enjoyable.  

One of the members of our group interviewed a small group of girls since they were the target audience for our product. They were asked simple questions like how did it make you feel. The purpose of this was to make sure that we got responses from the correct age group, and that they understood the advert clearly and that they enjoyed it as well. This was useful to us as it gave us helpful information on what we needed to improve on.  

Interview of the 6 year old: 
What did you like about the advert? I liked the boy ad the background of sky.
How did the advert make you feel? It made me feel happy
What didn't you like about the advert? Nothing
Tell me about the advert The boy walked up ad sat on a bench ad got skittles from his pocket which he started eating. He lay on a towel with stuff moving around. Then there was a blanket over him and it finished.
Interview of the 4 year old:
What did you like about the advert? I liked the end bit where the boy said something.
How did he advert make you feel? Good
What didn't you like about the advert? I didn't like it when he ate something.

Tell me about the advert The boy ate something ad then he's in bed he lies down and shuts his eyes then opens it. 

To conclude I feel as a group we got some very positive feedback and I'm personally very happy with how its turned out. The audience feedback has helped me adknowledge what we could have done differently. The main complaint being that the fabric wasn't big enough and that we needed to implement Skittles into the advert.